How much does it cost to build a new home in Sydney

September 17, 2022

The Cost of building a house in Sydney

The Australian construction industry is one of the most expensive in world, with prices varying depending on location.

A seemingly simple question can have a complicated answer- how much does it cost to build a house here? It all depends! Different areas require different materials and wages for workers so be sure you know what's going into your project before starting any work or else risk ending up over budget.    In April 2022 the figures from the ABS suggested that, on average, building a home cost around $473,000 (including houses and unit data).

prices for construction vary depending on the location, materials used and size of home desired. The average price range can be anywhere between $2500-$10000 per square meter - that's quite expensive!

A house starts at around$2 million dollars with some costing as much 10x this amount or even more if they're built near major cities like Sydney where land prices tend to be higher too due in large part because there is limited available space so developers have no choice but build upwards instead downside being these types generally don't sell easy which means you'll need significant funds set aside before starting your project; however things may change soon though given recent government initiatives aimed specifically toward reducing dwelling costs such measures include cutting.

How much does it cost to build a new home in Sydney

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